John Napier : Plaine discovery of the whole Revelation of Saint John (1593)
"John Napier : Plaine discovery of the whole Revelation of Saint John (1593)" dans la base Bibale (permalink : https://bibale.irht.cnrs.fr/64607). Consultation du 21/11/2024.
Napier, John
John Napier
Plaine discovery of the whole Revelation of Saint John
Plaine discovery of the whole Revelation of Saint John
Napier John, A plaine discouery of the whole Reuelation of Saint Iohn : set downe in two treatises: the one searching and prouing the true interpretation thereof: the other applying the same paraphrastically and historically to the text. Set foorth by Iohn Napeir L. of Marchistoun younger. Whereunto are annexed certaine oracles of Sibylla, agreeing with the Reuelation and other places of Scripture, Edinburgh, printed by Robert Walde-graue, printer to the Kings Majestie, 1593.
Type | Notice | Date | Lieu | Commentaire | |
a été écrite (auteur) par
Napier (John) |
Barbara Jacob (15/12/2021 21:31)
Barbara Jacob (15/12/2021 21:31)