Paris, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. Bibliothèque Centrale, 12 Sa 4 Res

"Paris, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. Bibliothèque Centrale, 12 Sa 4 Res" dans la base Bibale (permalink : Consultation du 06/10/2024.
Volume conservé  
France, Paris, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers. Bibliothèque Centrale, 12 Sa 4 Res  
Norwood’s Epitome : being the application of the doctrine of triangles, in certain problems, concerning the use of the plain sea-chart, and Mercator’s chart. Being the two most usual kinds of sailing. With a table of artificial sines, tangents, and the complements arithmetical of sines supplying the use of secants. To radius 10,00000, and to every degree and minute of the quadrant. Also the logarithms of absolute numbers, from one to 1000, with a table of the right-ascension and declination of the sun : and certain principal fixed stars. Whereunto is added the farther Use of the forenamed tables in Questions of navigation, astronmy, ænd geography; as also an universal almanack. This last edition newly revised and corrected. By Richard Norwood, reader of yhe mathematicks  


Type Notice Date Lieu Commentaire

a appartenu à
Craven, James

a appartenu à
Phillips, Robert (17e s.)

a appartenu à
Séminaire du Saint-Esprit (1703-1790)

a été donné par
Phillips, Robert (17e s.) 1682/11/14

a été donné à
Craven, James 1682/11/14


Type Notice Date Lieu Commentaire
fait partie de
Dépôt littéraire des Enfants de la Patrie Paris, Île-de-France, France



Guillaume Champion (18/12/2020 11:26)
Guillaume Champion (23/11/2021 19:39)