Epistola Lentuli (1301-1325)

"Epistola Lentuli (1301-1325)" dans la base Bibale (permalink : https://bibale.irht.cnrs.fr/38235). Consultation du 19/01/2025.
Epistola Lentuli  
1301 - 1325  
L’œuvre donne une description physique du Christ.  
L’œuvre est insérée dans la "Vita Christi" de Ludolphe de Saxe.  
Genre : théologie ?  
Nombre de témoins manuscrits connus selon FAMA (févr. 2019) : 75  
Apocryphes, visions    
Cora E. Lutz, « The letter of Lentulus », The Yale University Library Gazette 50 (1975), 91-97.  
Jacques-Noël Peres, "Untersuchungen im Zusammenhang mit der sogennanten Epistula Lentuli", Apocrypha 11 (2001), 59-76. (Résumé en anglais : Dating at the very ealiest from the XIVth century, the Epistle of Lentulus, offered here in a German translation, is an apocryphal work refering to the physical appearance of Jesus, presented as a very handsome man; but it also deals with the psychological portrait of Jesus. It raises, however, a theological question: does this beauty pertain to the Suffering Servant referred to by Isaiah? An inquiry into patristic literature shows the implications of both of the contradictory positions about Christ's beauty and ugliness. Both views are part of a soteriological perspective. The ugly Christ bears the sin of men; Christ in majesty sits at the divine tribunal. This image transmitted by the Epistle of Lentulus corresponds to homilies and pious works of the time when it started to be transmitted).  
Dominique Stutzmann (21/04/2013 00:00)
Dominique Stutzmann (15/05/2019 08:08)